All Day, Everyday: The High Threat Concealment Spektre Holster

If you ask someone what they carry on a daily basis, you’re likely to hear about their favorite knife, their Glock 19, or whatever other firearm they keep on them most of the time. A good holster might be the last thing you hear about.  In fact, it might be the most overlooked piece of gear in most peoples’ minds. But it’s also one of Read More →

Product Review: Sig Sauer P365 9mm Micro Compact

We were invited to the Sig Range Event 2018. Many writers and photographers had been patiently waiting to shoot the new Sig P365. Our patience paid off with seeing, touching and (most importantly) shooting the P365. The Sig P365 9MM debuts into an already crowded compact 9MM market where we have excellent options from Glock, S&W, Kahr, Walther, and Ruger already available to the “gunsumers.” Read More →

Review: JagerWerks Engineering

We have all seen it a couple dozen times—a new product, idea, or trend hits the market and becomes insanely popular. Next thing you know, everyone from mom and pop shops to major companies to garage crafters start churning out their own version of said trend. We have seen this with everything from kydex holsters, to stippling of polymer frames, to custom finishes on handguns. Read More →

Training Review: Lights Sights and Lasers (Wes Doss)

The purpose of fighting is to win. There is no possible victory in defense. The sword is more important than the shield and skill is more important than either. The final weapon is the brain. All else is supplemental. John Steinbeck (and props to Wes Doss for the use of such an awesome quote in LSL) Let me make one thing clear from the outset: Read More →

Quick Pic(k): Battle Arms BAD Ambi Safety Selector

It’s been too long, guys. And we’re sorry. But we’ve reorganized our ideas and are ready to hit it full force with some great photos and products to end the year and start 2018 off on the right foot! First off, we’re starting a Quick Pic(k) column that will show you all some products you should be aware of if you aren’t already with brief, quick explanations Read More →

Glock 17M: The “Inside” Scoop (Photo Documentary)

This probably isn’t the first Glock 17M you’ve seen. But no one has covered it yet in the detail we wanted to see…photographically speaking. Obviously, Glock hasn’t taken these guns to any shows yet…and who knows if a any might show up at NRA next month or not. We’re guessing no based on SHOT Show and we would love to be wrong. But in the meantime, Read More →

Taran Tactical Innovations Glock 43 Firepower +3 Basepad

I’ll keep this almost too short…like the grip used to be on my Glock 43 without the pinky extension mag inserted. The Glock 43 is what I carry most of the year because of how easy it is to hide and how well it shoots for a subcompact 9mm. The obvious trade-off is that when the grip is short enough to hide exceptionally well even Read More →

New Product: Wilson Combat EDC X9 is Xceptional

When I found out that Wilson Combat was planning to release a double stack gun, my first thought was inevitably something along the lines of a 2011. And they’re nice, but I don’t really need one of those. It’s hard enough keeping enough mags for everything when each and every one doesn’t cost a fortune. But I should’ve known that Bill Wilson and the crew at Read More →

New Streamlight Protac Rail HL-X: 1000 Lumens of Awesome

I wrote about some of the cool things that Streamlight was coming out with in the SHOT Show recap last month, but I was specifically reserving this for a standalone feature. It’s that good. The main reason I wanted to save it was so that I could try to show how bright this light really is. And although I might or might not have been Read More →

New Product: Wilson Combat Vickers Elite Battlesight for H&K Pistols

This will be short and sweet. We’ve already done a review on the Vickers Elite Battlesights here from back in the day when they were first released for Glock pistols. Now there are front/rears available that are compatible with Heckler and Koch VP9, P30SK, P30L, P30, HK45, HK45C, and HK45C Tactical models. Although I liked the sight picture that the Heinie sights I had on my Read More →

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