Tag Archives: Np3 Bcg

Robar’s PolymAR-15P Pistol Is the Real Deal

I’ve recently had the privilege of doing some solid T&E with the pistol iteration of the Robar PolymAR-15, and I have to say that I’ve been pretty impressed by it. Freddie Blish and Robar designed it from the ground up to lighten the load that law enforcement officers have to carry (literally), and regardless of which version you shoot, the first thing you notice is how Read More →

Bro, Do You Even AR? Functional Mods that Won’t Break the Bank

It’s about that time of year now when you spent all of your money on other peoples’ presents but you might get some money for Christmas and spending your new money on cool things is very much preferable to paying off the credit card charges you made for the presents you bought on Black Friday. So in honor of procrastinating paying off your credit card and Read More →