Tag Archives: Win1911 .45

WIN1911 Black Friday Special (2014)

You might recall that we did an in-depth review of this ammo when we got back from SHOT earlier this year (here). For those of you who haven’t tried it yet, this will be a great opportunity! Per Winchester, these should be hitting stores beginning in about a month, and the retail is supposed to be around $129. The Win1911-branded wooden box is packed inside a cardboard outer Read More →

Product Review: Winchester WIN1911 Ammunition

Back in November, when Winchester revealed they were planning to release a new line of ammo designed specifically for John Browning’s most iconic handgun design, you were probably interested…unless you’re a Glock fan. (Just kidding, guys.) Either way, you should be interested now. Winchester’s goal of an ammunition line worthy to bear the name of the 1911 left big shoes to fill, but the end Read More →